§ 5-58. Impoundment of animals running at large.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be the duty of the animal control officer to apprehend any animal found running at large contrary to the provisions of this chapter and impound such animals in the animal shelter designated by the mayor and city council.


    All animals impounded by the city shall be held until claimed by the owner or a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours. Longer periods of custody may be used if in the opinion of the holding agency personnel the animal is likely to be claimed by its owner or a new owner will be found, provided that in either case there is a reasonable expectation that the fees, fines, or other charges provided for in this article will be paid.


    Any animal not claimed within the time provided in subsection (b) of this section shall become the property of the agency serving as the city's animal shelter to be disposed of humanely in accordance with its regulations and policies.


    In lieu of impounding an animal found at large, the animal control officer, upon determining the owner, may return the animal to the owner, if able to apprehend the animal, and a summons will be issued by a law enforcement officer requiring the owner to appear in the court of jurisdiction for violation of this chapter. The summons may be issued without apprehending the animal if the owner of the animal can be identified.


    It shall be the responsibility of the animal control officer and/or animal shelter to make reasonable efforts to ascertain the owner of each impounded animal as soon as possible after taking it into custody. If the owner is identified, a reasonably expeditious effort shall be made to notify the owner of the impoundment of the animal and make the owner aware of the city's animal control laws, the period of impounding, charges to be made, and any fees owed the animal shelter.

(Ord. No. 02-1303, 9-9-02)